
Archive for January 14th, 2009


Found such a good questionnaire that i thought I’d give it a try. (this is also to ease my conscience for not putting out a “2008 in pictures” post). But because my memory is so bad some questions will be answered based on last months happenings…

2008 according to Ida

1. Did you do anything this year that you haven’t done before?
I got a tattoo 🙂


2. Did you keep any of your new years resolutions?
I am blissfully unaware of ever having made any.

3. Did anyone/any of your friends become a parent?
Let’s see: Mia and CH got little Thilda,  A-K and Jonas got Levi and Alex and Mallu got Kajsa (but all of them have kids from before, so maybe it doesn’t count…).

A-K and LeviA-K + Levi

family Haglund (+Emma)

hela familjen Haglund + Emma

4. Did anyone dear to you die?

Not anyone that I was close to, no.

5. What countries did you visit?
Ireland (with Hanna F.), Belgium (to attend a wedding) and Estonia (with colleagues).



6. Is there something you missed during 2008 and want to have 2009?
A new job.

7. What dates will you always remember from 2008 and why?
1.6 when my god-daughter Thilda was born (I’m trying not to forget that date).

Thilda's christening

8. What was your greatest success this year?
I graduated with a master’s degree in biology.

9. The biggest mistake?
Can’t think of any.

10. Have you been ill or injured?
I don’t think so…

11. Best buy?
Printer, food processor and suitcase – all bought with the money I got when I graduated, thank you guys!

12. What did you spend most money on?
Probably travelling, a flight ticket from Finland isn’t the cheapest thing in the world…

13. Have something made you really happy? 
Attending David and Elia’s wedding.

wedding party

14. What songs will always remind you of 2008?

Du är den mitt hjärta söker,

Du är den min själ har kär,

Du är den som jag behöver

min Konung och min Frälsare.


Strålande, underbar och helig

Du är min för evigt

Jag vill lova Dig

tillbe Dig, min Gud

Jesus, min lovsång är Du.”


15. Were you happier or more sad this (year) month?
Coming back from my Christmas vacation always gets me down. I want to hibernate in front of the TV for two more weeks. Luckily I don’t do this as it would probably lead to just another two weeks of TV watching and so on until someone, someday finds me mummified in my chair watching a rerun of my German soap opera… (Picture by Li Min)


16. More thin or fat?
The question should be: How to loose three kilos in 2009?

17. Richer or poorer?
I should be richer since I get 200 euros more a month after graduating, but I don’t feel like I have more money to spend. Maybe I’ve already stepped into the get more money=spend more money circle

18. What do you wish you had done more often?

I wish I’d said yes to more things. Been with my friends more. Exercised more.

19. What do you wish you hadn’t done as often?

Watched TV 😉

20. How did you spend Christmas?
With my family and Li Min in Kvevlax.

Li Min and I

21. Favourite TV show?
Heroes, Weeds, Cranford, American Idol, Finnish Idols…

22. Do you hate someone you didn’t hate at the beginning of the year?
Well my hatred towards Itella (the Finnish postal system) has definitely grown stronger throughout the year!

23. Best book this year?

I haven’t read that much but Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” really freaked me out. After that I had problems watching TV. We are a manipulated people…

24. Music discovery of the year?
Jason Mraz.

25. Something you wished for and got?

Knives! Good ones!

26. Something you wished for but didn’t get?

An almanack. But I bought it myself from the “local” post-office. It made me hate Itella just a little bit less. Although, when I had to stand and wait for the bus in the cold wind the hatred came back.

27. Best film of the month?
Penelope, a wonderful fairytale of a girl with a pig’s nose.
28. What did you do on your birthday?
It was a Tuesday so I was probably at work doing another Western blot.

How many years are you?

29. Is there anything that would have made your year even better?
If I had got that job.

30. How would you describe your style in 2008?
Stomach hiding

31. What made you feel good?
Spending time with God.

32. What celebrity were you most into this month?James McAvoy

 james mcavoy

33. What political debate did you get involved in?

I actually voted in the municipal election this year – but I don’t know if you could say I was that involved. As usual I decided on a candidate the day before the election…

34. The best new people you got to know?

All new people at my church. Otherwise I’m mostly spending time with the same old 😉

35. A lesson you have learnt:

All people cannot think like you. And you can’t even make them do it.

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